Week 11 Update

Hey all!! We are now in week 11 of this genius project journey and I'm super excited to share that I have my masks ready to go! My masks and scrunchies are ready to be shared with friends and family on social media in hopes to raise some money for a local non profit organisation. 

There have been a lot of challenges along the way but I'm glad I pursued this idea and I've gotten this far. I also decided I am going to be donating to Brant Food for Thought instead because of an incident while I was supply teaching. It's heartbreaking to see a child go without food and nutrition, that is why I really want to raise money for this organisation that provides nutrition programs for elementary and secondary schools in Brant. 

Stay tuned for an update on how much money I can raise by next week! I of course will continue to sell afterwards, hopefully up until May so that I am able to make a sizable donation at the end of this.


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