Week 9 Update

 Hello again!

Another week has gone by, and I spent my Genius Hour making some more masks! I am now on to my second colour of masks (white) and will be starting to make the tan coloured ones next week. Once I have all three colours, white, tan & black, ready to go, I can share my project on social media and get ready to raise some money. 

Making these masks has been great, I can tell my sewing skills are only improving with each masks I sew! They may not be perfect, but I'd say they're pretty good for a beginner sewer. 

In terms of where the donations are going, I have narrowed it down to either H.O.P.E or The Rosewood House. H.O.P.E is an organization run by and for consumers of mental health services in Brant. They also have an outreach program providing peer support and personal care items for mental health in-patients. The Rosewood House provides emergency shelter for adult men and women in addition to assisting in overcoming the root causes of someone's homelessness. Both organizations are doing great things for the local community and I think both are extremely important. During this pandemic, mental health has definitely been a struggle for a lot of people so I feel H.O.P.E would benefit from donations. COVID has also caused thousands of people to lose their jobs and sometimes that could lead to the loss of their homes. Shelters like The Rosewood House are crucial for people who could use the temporary support in order to get back on their feet. I hope I am able to raise enough money to donate to both of these amazing non-profit organizations. 


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