
Hello everyone!

Welcome to my Genius Hour blog. My name is Rajeny Sahota and I am currently a Teacher Candidate at Brock University! 

Here, you can follow along my progress in working towards achieving my end goal for this project. My Genius Hour question that I will be focusing on for the next several week is, how can I use my time and skills to help the vulnerable populations in my local community? 

I think when we get busy with our own lives, we can sometimes lose sight of how others may be impacted by an unprecedented situation such as a global pandemic. Although I have been looking at the positives that have come out of living through COVID-19 these past months, it is also important to take the time to consider not everyone has the means to think so positively. 

My goal is to come up with products that people would be willing to purchase for a good cause. Any profits made from these products will go directly to the organizations I have chosen that could greatly benefit from extra help. 

I will be measuring my progress through completing my tasks per my proposed timeline, as well as the amount of money raised by the end of the 12 weeks. 

I am excited to see where this idea takes me within the next few months, and I hope I am able to make an impact in my community, however small it may be. 


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