Week 8 Update

Hey everyone, I'm back with another weekly update on my progress towards my goal for this Genius project! 

It's going well, despite the fact that I'm a bit behind schedule. But thats okay!! My goal will still be achieved just on a different timeline. With this week's allotted 90 minutes, I was able to make 3 more complete masks and I have a bunch more patterns cut out and ready to be sewn! The plan was initially to allot more than the set 90 minutes in order to get some more masks completed, however with all of my other classes I couldn't find the time. Hopefully within the next few weeks with course work dying down, I will be able to spend more time sewing! 

I have already shown some of my family what I've been working on and have already collected some donations! I am super grateful for those who have and hopeful that my peers will want to donate to those who are less fortunate. It'll still be great even if they don't donate by purchasing a mask, and opt to donate directly to a non-profit organization. My goal is simply to help out the vulnerable communities in my local region! 

On another note, when sharing this project idea with a friend, she very kindly offered to make crocheted scrunchies for me to sell for more donations! She is amazing for taking the time to contribute and help in any way she can. I personally love her scrunchies, she is super talented, thus I am sure there will be lots of people who will want to purchase them! 


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